Page 49 - Respond 2014 | RTCC
P. 49
rtcc respond
The Sustainable Rural Life project was developed in Our company benefts by lowering its wider carbon footprint.
three stages:
At SCM we are convinced that the alliance between ONG´s, private companies and
1. Evaluation of the SCM collaborators life conditions. government can generate and change attitudes towards the environment and the
2. Delivery of the eco-technologies; installation and development of all nations.
training for their uses. Servicio Continental de Mensajeria (SCM)
3. Supervision and measurement.
Simple, Life-Changing Tools
Solar Pot: This allows you to cook with sunlight only,
thus decreasing the use of gas, wood and indiscriminate
Wood-Saving Stove: This only requires small amounts of
frewood to use. It has a hermetic camera that distributes
the heat along the plate and expels the smoke through
the chimney, allowing a smoke-free environment for the
Solar water heater: This system is equipped with solar
cells that allow the water to keep warm for many hours,
so that can be used by up to 10 people.
The analysis results of the combined use of these
technologies called “eco-technologies”, gives important
• Reduction in the use of frewood and gas.
• Savings for family economy.
• Decrease of respiratory diseases and
• Awareness about the importance of making an
appropriate use of natural resources.
In that way, each one of us, contribute in a personal way
to reduce deforestation and the effect of greenhouse gas
emissions. 47