Page 36 - Respond 2014 | RTCC
P. 36
Cities and regions
Stepping up
the pace:
climate action
Author: Maryke van Staden, Low-carbon Cities Program Manager,
ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, World Secretariat
A local governments within the global climate regime. ICLEI – Local Governments
clear and worrying picture is presented
regarding human infuence on climate
for Sustainability (ICLEI) is the Roadmap facilitator, and, having led cities and their
change, as outlined in the frst part
of the Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) of the networks to a successful 1st phase of the Roadmap where recognition was obtained of
sub-national governments as “governmental stakeholders” in the international climate
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) negotiations, is now paving the way for more ambitious local climate action.
released on 27 September 2013, yet, all is not (yet)
lost. Many cities and sub-national governments This second Roadmap phase calls for enabling framework conditions that will support
are responding to this global challenge. By setting and encourage local climate action – with fnancing a key cornerstone. Among
greenhouse gas reduction targets, outlining plans the innovative features of the renewed Local Government Climate Roadmap is the
for local climate action, and implementing a wide creation of a “Friends of Cities” group at the United Nations Framework Convention on
range of activities that reduce emissions – which Climate Change (UNFCCC). This is an offer from the Local Government and Municipal
in many cases also have additional benefts such Authorities (LGMA) Constituency, led by ICLEI, to the Parties (national governments)
as stimulating the local economy and promoting to pro-actively explore and enhance collaboration with local and subnational
sustainable development – local climate action is governments in their respective countries.
part of the way forward in effective climate change
mitigation. Link to international climate negotiations
Without good national-local cooperation it is unlikely that ambitious global climate
Key event, foundation of a process targets can be met. Without constructive dialogue and solid partnerships hope in
Leaders of sub-national governments around the globe remaining below the two degrees Celsius warming target is diminished. The Local
came together at the World Mayors Summit on Climate Government Climate Roadmap 2013 to 2015 – as an advocacy process – aims to help
Change in Nantes , France on 27 and 28 September pave the way to reach a successful global political framework to be realized at the UN
2013, to affrm their commitment to scale up climate Paris Climate Conference in 2015.
actions, but also to urge engagement with the global
level on climate change, and call for enhancing access The Polish Vice-Minister of the Environment, Beata Jaczewska, said that the Nantes
to fnance. The Nantes Declaration of Mayors and Declaration will play an important role in the upcoming Convention of the Parties
Subnational Leaders on Climate Change was adopted (COP) conference, to be held in November 2013 in Warsaw. The Polish Presidency will
with the support of over 50 mayors from 30 countries, convene the frst ever “Cities Day” that will bring together Ministers and Mayors during
and more than 20 regional and global networks of local the high level segment on 21 November 2013. This is an unprecedented development,
and subnational governments. Together, they represent a outlining a focused role on cities in the international negotiations – to explore ways to
substantial number of citizens around the globe. enhance action to lead us to globally effective results in combating climate change.
This marks the start of a new phase for the Local “Walking the talk”
Government Climate Roadmap, an advocacy process However, political discussion and declarations alone are not enough. In Nantes,
aimed at recognizing, engaging and empowering Farhad Suri, Mayor of South Delhi, India, recalled the words of Gandhi: “Our future