Page 24 - Respond 2014 | RTCC
P. 24

It’s tIme to

desIgn from

the InsIde out

Juan Carlos Baumgartner from SPACE Architects explains why the construction industry is at the forefront of
the green revolution

The topic of sustainable architecture and design is new in For years, interior design in some countries like Mexico has been understood as a kind of
many countries, as is the case in Mexico, and while it has secondary architecture. Architects have focused on the generation of iconic buildings in
been possible to generate much awareness of this topic, spite of, on many occasions, the user and the environment.
the benefts of these types of buildings are still little known.
For years we have designed, built and commercialized architecture that has left to one
To understand the importance of the built environment and side the two most important elements that should have been taken into account in these
focus on sustainable interior design, there are two hard processes: people and the environment.
facts that are worth mentioning.
This approach to architecture has several negative consequences but possibly one of
The built environment has a profound impact on the the most notorious is the lack of specialists in interior architecture and, of course, in
natural environment, the economy, health and productivity. sustainable interior architecture.

If in general little is really known about sustainable architecture, much less is known
about sustainable interior design. Paradoxically, a large part of what is known as
Buildings are responsible for approximately: sustainable architecture is in reality sustainable interior design.
• 36% of the total use of energy
• 65% of the consumption of electricity In many countries, one of the principal reasons little sustainable architecture is
• 30% of the emissions of Greenhouse Gases generated is due to the scarcity of architects and interior designers with knowledge of
• 30% of the use of raw materials sustainable interior design.
• 30% of the waste that goes to the dump If we analyze it, 70% of the points to credit a project with an international certifcation
• 12% of the use of potable water of sustainable architecture have more to do with sustainable interior design than with

It is clear that the only form of generating a sustainable The type of materials utilized, the energy savings for effcient lighting, the water
society committed to caring for the environment is to savings… all these matters are resolved in the sphere of interior design.
involve all those responsible for designing, developing and
building architecture. It is for this reason that in reality the future of sustainable architecture is in the
understanding of sustainable solutions for interiors.
Today we have access to great scientifc, technological
and operating advances in buildings to be used In the coming years we will see an evolution in architecture, in which we will fnd more
by designers, builders and owners that want to and more specialists in interior design and architecture frms that will focus on interior
build sustainably and maximize both economic and design. There will be an increase in architecture frms designing buildings from inside out,
environmental effciency as well as wellbeing. and the building will be the result of the following formula:
Interior architecture + environment = architectural envelope
Space is an international architectural
and interior design frm specialized in It is essential that all those involved in the production, design, construction and sale, and
sustainable corporate architecture. principally those that use the architecture, generate an awareness of the importance of
interior design in sustainability; this may be an essential requirement for companies that
With ofces in America, Asia and Europe, want to transform themselves into sustainable companies respectful of the environment.
this frm has succeeded in positioning
itself as one of the international leaders SPACE Architects
in corporate architecture always seeking
solutions respectful of the environment.

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