Page 6 - Respond 2022 Magazine
P. 6
Changing the tide:
sustainable food
from the ocean Sophie Ryan,
CEO of the Global Salmon Initiative
Aquatic foods can play a central As one of the most eco-efficient protein diseases. What is lesser known is that
role in supporting healthier, production sectors, and one of the most farmed salmon is also one of the most
more sustainable and nature nutritious foods available – farmed fish has resource-efficient animal proteins - meaning
positive diets. How do we help great potential in meeting growing demand that it is highly efficient in converting feed
realize this potential? for planetary healthy food systems. But can into food for humans, minimizing the use
it live up to the promise? of natural resources. The combination of its
nutritional and environmental profiles mean
With animal agriculture responsible for that farmed salmon can play an important
more greenhouse gases than all the world’s role in healthy, sustainable food systems.
transportation systems combined, the food
“ The ocean could production industry has been named as However, like any food production sector
supply over six times a key contributor to climate change. As the industry has faced challenges – from
more food than it does populations continue to grow, and demand the use of marine ingredients in feed, to
managing escapes and possible sea lice
for food is set to double by 2050, we need
today. This represents to rethink current food systems to ensure outbreaks – which need to be effectively
more than two-thirds they support widescale, healthy diets, and addressed to ensure long-term responsible
of the edible meat that are sustainable for the planet. and sustainable operations.
the FAO estimates The oceans cover 70% of our planet, yet And while significant progress has been
will be needed to only 5% is currently being used for food made in recent years, there is still more to
feed the future global production. While the oceans offer huge be done; it is important that we continue
population.” potential, we must be conscious that The to make headway in improving our
environmental performance. To support
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
The Future of Food from the Sea, estimates that 93% of wild fisheries are this mission, the Global Salmon Initiative
Report from the High-Level already ‘fully’ or ‘over’ fished, and therefore (GSI) was established in 2013; representing
Panel (HLP) for a Sustainable we cannot continue to use these resources over 40% of the global industry, we use
Ocean Economy at the scale we have. Farming of fish offers collective problem-solving to drive
an opportunity to better utilize the ocean for sustainability improvements across
food production while alleviating pressure the entire global industry. We believe
on fish stocks. that by collaborating on environmental
improvements, we can deliver significant
The opportunity: change, at speed and scale, to address the
Aquaculture, and specifically farmed challenges our food system is facing.
salmon – one of the most consumed fish
worldwide – can help meet the growing In the eight years since its conception,
demand for eco-efficient, healthy foods. the GSI has demonstrated measurable
Responsibly farmed salmon is a nutrient- and tangible progress in improving
rich food that provides many health benefits the sustainability profile of the sector 1 Figure as of end of 2020
to consumers; it is high in omega 3 fatty including:
acids, minerals and vitamins, which can • 60% of GSI members farmed salmon
help reduce the risk of many cardiovascular production is Aquaculture Stewardship