Page 41 - Respond 2020 Magazine
P. 41




           We have a single purpose: environmental               I used to think the top environmental problems
 Sustainable housing developer with a   education worldwide.     were biodiversity loss, ecosystem collapse and
 comprehensive and replicable model.   COMVIVE is a Mexican company created by   Great transformations are achieved by raising awareness,   climate change. I thought that with 30 years of
 professionals with an average of 20 years of   consciousness and collaboration. We are all part of the
 The UN estimates that 55% of the global population lives in     good science we could address those problems. But
 experience in the housing sector. Its goal is   same planet and only by acting together we can mitigate the
 urban areas, a figure that is projected to rise to 68% by 2050.   I was wrong. The top environmental problems are
           effects of the environmental and climate crisis.
 With few exceptions, cities are expected to become bigger   to improve the lifestyle of Mexican families,
 and more numerous. It is fundamental that new communities   creating sustainable communities of value   In Mexico, we are convinced that the essential tool to combat   selfishness, greed and apathy and to deal with those
 be designed to promote a sustainable quality of life.   climate change is education with a particular focus on future   we need a spiritual and cultural transformation. And
 to its residents, their surroundings and the
           generations. We firmly believe that the education of future   we scientists don’t know how to do that.
 México, as most emerging countries, has the challenge in   country as a whole. COMVIVE has developed       ”
 next decade to build sustainable and resilient cities. With   citizens is the transforming element to guarantee our world’s   Gus Speth
 11 communities, which represent more than   present and future as a sustainable habitat, where we as
 over 130 million citizens has housing shortage of 14 million
 1,500 houses, with the goal of creating 8,500   human beings are able to respect and co-exist with the
 units, representing 34% of total home inventory. During the
 last 15 years, government and private sectors have joined   houses over the next five years.  various ecosystems. We strongly believe in the importance   In May 2019, in an unprecedented event, Senator Eduardo
           of creating agents of change through environmental   Murat announced the achievement: “For the first time,
 forces to produce and finance more than 10 million homes,
           education prioritizing the development of competences that
 prioritizing lower income populations.                        the environment is included in the third article of the
           students can apply in their daily lives.            Mexican Constitution. This is historical. The guidelines for
 However, the challenge is still large, even more so           environmental education are included. Children will receive
           The Mexican Context
 considering that the UN Sustainable Development Goals   better development potential for their clients, employees and   the knowledge necessary to understand the importance of
           Mexico is a country of great biodiversity with a large number
 (SDG’s) have been incorporated into the 2019-2024 National   investors.  ecological balance, the need to protect natural resources and
           of initiatives seeking to contribute, through awareness-raising
 Development Plan, aligning Mexico to the 2030 Agenda for
 COMVIVE creates comprehensibly sustainable housing   actions, educational programs, advocacy on public policies   raise awareness about issues such as climate change”.
 Sustainable Development. For the housing sector, the goal is
 developments, incorporating the SDG’s, starting from the   and campaigns on mass and social media regarding the
 not only about building houses, but also to create sustainable   Within this context, the Environmental Education
 planning phase, choice of land, urban and architectural project,   importance of working together to combat climate change.
 communities for the Mexican families.                         Worldwide Initiative invites all countries to include
 selection of construction materials and community building.  Standing out among these initiatives is the Telar Social, an
                                                               environmental education in all of the planet’s
 Aligned to this, COMVIVE has defined its strategy to   NGO, which has been working several years to introduce a
 COMVIVE’s sustainability strategy is executed on three axes:  classrooms, promoting a sustainable way of life.
 incorporate the SDG’s related to the environmental, social   Constitutional amendment about environmental education.
                                                               Our purpose is to implement environmental education in
 and economic challenges of our world.  1.    Environmental innovation applying ecotechnologies to
           In November 2018, within the EarthxMexico 2018      every country.
 its homes while obtaining environmental benefits on
 COMVIVE, a Mexican housing developer, committed to the   event, a group of civil society organizations, including
 quality of life and economy for its residents. COMVIVE        Our objective is to drive a global educational agreement,
 role housing holds for the development of the country and   EarthxMexico, Telar Social, Fundación EDUCA, Fundación
 is implementing the “NAMA Facility” program, designed by      recognized and promoted by all signatories of the “Paris
 its people, is creating sustainable communities to radically   Reversible, Reeduca, Cíclica, and important universities
 Sociedad Hipotecaria Federal (SHF), a financial institution   Agreement”, incorporating environmental education through
 improve the lifestyle of those who live in them and opening a   and NGOs, launched the Chapultepec Commitments, of
 that promotes the development of the housing sector in        school curricula and educational programs in all classrooms
           which Environmental Education is an essential part. This
 México. “NAMA Facility” is a financing initiative funded by   at all educational levels, encouraging educational institutions,
           commitment included presenting a motion to Mexican
 KFW, a German Development Bank, offering incentives to        NGOs, private sector and government organizations to
           Congress to incorporate green curricula into the educational
 implement ecotechnologies to cut emissions and tackle         incorporate this objective into the COP25 agreements.
           system as a Constitutional amendment.
 climate change. These technologies allow COMVIVE to
                                                               Our Goal by 2025 is to have all “Paris Agreement” signatory
 mitigate CO2 emissions by 32% and reduce the cost of   In December 2018, Esteban Moctezuma, Secretary of Public
                                                               countries incorporate environmental education into their
 energy for residents.   Education, with Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador, Mexico’s
                                                               Constitution, as state policy, developing green school
           President, communicated as one of the basic axes of the
 2.    Social Impact, building Community Development           curricula and educational programs for all levels.
           educational plan, “the obligation to include the respect for the
 Centers (CDC), offering health services, education,
           environment into schools curricula, as part of the bases of an   Participation in COP25
 social inclusion and nutrition guidance. COMVIVE
           integral formation for the future generations of Mexicans”.  Environmental Education Worldwide Initiative will
 implements an urban architectural design creating
                                                               participate in COP25 in the “Environmental Education” panel,
 sustainable communities with parks, bikeways,
                                                               at Blue Zone, with the objective of sharing the Mexican
 densification, urban agriculture, schools and commercial
                                                               experience changing the 3rd article of the Constitution,
                                                               incorporating environmental education in the school
 3.    Economic Sustainability, offering communities           curricula at all educational levels.
 professional management services, which provide
                                                               Members of the panel will be key leaders who actively
 maintenance and security to all its residents. In addition,
                                                               participated in incorporating environmental education
 in the CDCs, offer job training programs that help people
                                                               as a Constitutional amendment, thereby guaranteeing
 improve their skills to obtain a better job and salary.
                                                               its mandatory nature in school curricula and educational
 COMVIVE is committed to innovate in sustainable solutions,    programs from preschool to postgraduate.
 offering better quality of life for Mexican families, as well
                                                               It’s an honor for The Environmental Education Worldwide
 as believing that aligning its value proposition to SDG’s is a
                                                               Initiative to participate in COP25 Chile to share our initiative
 fundamental step forward to contribute to the 2030 Agenda
                                                               and promote a global environmental education agreement
 for Sustainable Development.
                                                               that leads us to create and educate billions of “Planetary
                                                               Warriors” worldwide.
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