Page 30 - Respond 2019 Magazine
P. 30
/ Nordea
Why engagement and
participation in the
practice of sustainable
finance is so important
By Sasja Beslik, Head of Group Sustainable Finance, Nordea
“ The financial sector is truly the global citizen that can fully integrate sustainability in
everything we do. Imagine what we could accomplish and how fast we could get
this transition to happen!”
Q: Can you tell us about your position Q: How do you plan to increase
and your responsibilities? engagement and participation in the
practice of sustainable finance?
A: My rather new role is related to all
sustainability issues for Nordea Group – A: Sustainable finance is growing
financing, investments, advice and internal internationally both as a concept as
operations. In practice this is a business well as a business opportunity, thus it is
move from Nordea to align and further moving slowly at the moment. Clients still
develop our client offering in all segments need much more information about the
of our business. This change has enabled facts related to their investments. They
us to focus on business drivers, needs and need to see their importance as well as
opportunities related to sustainability in ability to impact, for example on climate
our business. My responsibility is to ensure change. Our industry has been, and is, very Sasja Beslik, Head of Group Sustainable
that we integrate relevant and material slow in adapting to the needs of future Finance, Nordea
sustainability issues throughout the Group. generations when it comes to sustainability
Q: You are very involved in investigating, in banking. Our target is to offer the best Q: Sweden recently set a goal of phasing
out greenhouse gas emissions by
promoting and creating awareness sustainable investment, financing and 2045 while in contrast America boost
about climate change in social media advisory solutions to our existing and their coal and fossil fuel industries.
and several other channels. Tell us future clients. What’s your view on this?
about your drive. Q: You have been all over the world
A: Yes, Sweden has ambitious goals,
A: From a personal standpoint, I have and witnessed the effects of climate daring and visionary goals that deserve
three children and I want to be able to change, for example the Jakobshavn all respect. We can’t give with one
look them in the eye and tell them that Glacier on Greenland. What did you hand and take with another. We need
we at least did what we could in relation see? global consistency and we need political
to climate change that will affect their A: It was stunning, scary and very agreements that hold over time. What is
lives much more than many other things. I enlightening. The pace of destruction is happening in the US today with the new
believe in the constructive and collaborative so fast that you can physically feel it when US administration will hurt the US in the
nature of humans, despite destructive you are there. Most of the glaciers will be long run more than anybody else. We
elements of it as well, and our intrinsic need gone in the next 50 years if we don’t stop need financial solutions, and don’t forget
to survive. We have a story to tell and we or at least slow down global warming. Let that the financial sector is truly the global
want to engage with people around the me put it this way, glaciers melting is not citizen that can fully integrate sustainability
world on what can be done, on solutions. good for business and people doubting in everything we do. Imagine what we
that are either too short-sighted or just could accomplish and how fast we could
very ignorant and selfish. get this transition to happen!