Page 34 - Respond 2016 Magazine
P. 34
aaib: leading
AAIB in brief
Half a Century of corporate, investment and treasury services Established by Special Law
in Egypt and the Middle East region, Arab African International as a Joint Venture between
Bank (AAIB) acquired the maturity and insight to realize the the Central Bank of Egypt
prerogatives and true meaning of growth. As early as 2003, (CBE) and Kuwait Investment
AAIB embraced an aggressive growth strategy which instantly Authority (KIA) - each party
holding a 49.37% stake,
found expression in material and non-material terms. It AAIB was incorporated in
was only then that the Bank realized that growth is not only 1964 as Egypt’s first Arab
expressed in numbers but should be expressed in a moral multinational Bank.
mission towards the society. This philosophy of growth sparked u No. of branches: 82
a journey that gradually weaved environmental, social and u No. of employees: 2,000
governance concerns into the realm of finance. From conceiving u Regional presence: Dubai,
strategic philanthropy, to integrating ESG into business to Abu Dhabi & Beirut
starting an industry move in Egypt towards sustainable finance, u Subsidiaries: AAIH,
AAIB has set the momentum and dynamism to trigger s a new AAIM, AAIS, AAIMF, AAIL
age of finance.
AAIB …A trendsetter towards sustainable finance in Egypt and the Middle East
With a history of solid banking tradition since its establishment, AAIB succeeded to position AAIB Awards & Recognition in
itself as Egypt’s fastest growing bank in terms of size and profitability, with a compounded CSR & Sustainability:
average growth rate for deposit and loan portfolios that has consistently outperformed market
norms. These growth rates substantiated AAIB’s vision: To be the leading Financial Group in u 2016 - Best Bank in CSR in
Egypt, providing innovative services with a strong regional presence and establishing itself as the Middle East, Euromoney
the gateway for international business into the region. (Dubai)
u 2014 - Golden Shield for Best
Our concept of “Value Creation” to all stakeholders was conceived as early as 2006 and
has continued to be a key organizing concept guiding the bank as it pursued its growth CSR, Arab Organisation for
strategy. This concept remained an expression of the bank’s proprietary understanding of Social Responsibility, (Dubai)
the philosophy of balanced growth. The years testified the soundness of the notion. As AAIB u 2014 - Best Green Bank in
continued to add value to the society and the environment, AAIB has remained a fast growing Egypt, CFI (London)
financial institution and achieved a track record of performance with renowned returns on
shareholders’ equity. u 2010 - Arabia CSR Network,
AAIB’s experience in embracing sustainability materialized into a series of pioneering initiatives
beyond the mainstream that gradually succeeded to set a trend in the financial sector in u 2010-2016, Best Practice,
Egypt. The journey originated in 2003 and unfolded across three key stages: Stage (1) Strategic Global Compact
Philanthropy towards the community (2) ESG Integration into core business operations and International Yearbook
sustainability reporting, and Stage (3) Policy Advocacy & Industry Movement. annual publication