Page 91 - index
P. 91
rtcc respoNd
Photo: © Suema
Waste is ofen lef in containers at the market satsfy all the demands of a growing populaton, areas where landflls are
for long periods of tme, creatng a bad image such as housing, employment and recreatonal usually based.
for the markets and are a potental health risk. and conservaton areas. Implementng a waste-to-
In several places in Mexico there are now waste
separaton programs that provide a specifc Mexico City does not have landflls in operaton. energy project alongside
treatment for the waste. It does not have an adequate infrastructure for markets could reduce waste
tackling environmental and social concerns in collecton trips and turn
Yet despite years of efort and investment these providing a clean environment. waste management into a
programmes have sufered lack of efectve productve actvity.
sustainable criterions and demand surveillance This is a chronic issue for human and
and constant incentves, maintained with public community development that usually afects But even more important:
expenditure. most cites. Efcient use of waste can generate these waste-to-energy
economic growth and provide clean energy, projects reward people
Waste management and urban policy avoiding waste to become an environmental them with direct benefts for
Every day there is less and less space available to liability for the neighbourhoods and the rural separatng waste.
Photo: © Suema 89