Page 49 - index
P. 49
rtcc respoNd
energies through its credits, include ‘green’ • Financing of projects for environmental and
elements in its management policies, integratng social risk management (Good agricultural
social and environmental variables with eco- practces, efciency in energy use, etc.);
efciency and sustainability criteria, and develop
an organizatonal culture that contributes to • Improved positoning as Sustainable Bank in
line with global insttutons;
environmental conservaton.
• Public-private partnerships with
The partnership formed with cooperaton internatonal sustainable development
agencies and other local specialized insttutons
will allow Agrobanco to have access to the • Actons for internal management of
market of green funds so as to transfer them environmental and social risks improve
to the natonal agricultural sector, thus efciency, reduce risks and costs, and meet
contributng to the standards of a development our role as Development Bank.
bank commited to the environment.
Thus, Agrobanco’s path opens in the following
• Identfcaton of sustainable projects to
atract natonal and internatonal ‘green
funds’, as well as subsidy mechanisms for
technical assistance and training; 47