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P. 11

rtcc respoNd

christiaNa Figueres,

uNFccc executive secretary

“ i have been pellucidly clear that the agreement in Paris is not going to reach a ”

2 degree limit on temperature rise as though that were something we can take
of a magical shelf and put on the table. I have been equally clear that getng us
on to the 2 degree pathway is entrely possible. This is why the Paris agreement
will have two very important components with regard to emission reductons:
First, it will harness all the natonal climate change plans which as a group, if
fully implemented, already substantally reduce the business as usual growth in
emissions. Second, in recogniton that this frst set of INDCs (the natonal climate
acton plans) is a departure point and not a destnaton, the Paris agreement will
construct a path of ever-increasing emission reductons with periodic checkpoints
of progress untl we get to the 2 degree pathway.

Christana Figueres, November 2015, UNFCCC Executve Secretary

Photo: © United Natons

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