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E5 Event – Carbon Dioxide Removal: Challenges for Emerging Technologies: Overview on the German Project “CDRterra” to investigate and quantify possible measures of terrestrial CO2-removal

CDR and NET as well as 100% renewables are mandatory to get to ZERO emissions. Developing technical capacity and workforce & creating public-private partnerships as well as generation of the needed financial tools to bring disruptive technology to market are essential



    • LMU Munich, Prof. Julia (Leader of the CDRterra project)
    • 5th Wall, Brendan Wallace (financing NET for the building sector)
    • Prof. Uwe Arnold (Owner and Managing Partner of AHP GmbH &Co. KG and CEO of Clean Carbon Technology GmbH i. Gr) – Virtual Attendance
    • Kolja Kuse (Chairman of e5 and Co-Founder of CleanCarbon Technology, Managing Partner of TechnoCarbon Technologies – European Business Council for Sustainable Energy and Materials (e5)
    • Kerry Adler, Canada (SkyPower Global, PV – Renewable Energy at large scale)
    • Jörg v. Weiler- (CEO of FILIGRAN Trägersysteme GmbH &Co. KG in Leese)


    TBD E5